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Going Mobile—Helping Seniors Stay On The Move

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As your parents age, you may begin to notice that they are having difficulty walking, even in their own homes. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for some elderly people to resist getting medical equipment that could help them get around. In some cases, it might be pride and an unwillingness to accept the fact that they are aging. For other seniors, it may simply be a perceived or actual lack of funds. That is why the purchase of a mobility aid for your parent may end up falling on your shoulders.

Convincing Your Parent to Get Medical Equipment for Mobility

If your parent hates the idea of relying on a mobility aid, you may have to convince them with some facts.

  • Staying mobile is important. According to Harvard Health Publications, a loss of mobility can lead to a greater chance of falling. And, unfortunately, in elderly people, falls often result in hip fractures, which are especially deadly for seniors—about 20 percent of people who fracture their hips succumb to complications within a year of their fall.
  • They won't be alone in their use of a mobility aid. According to, the use of mobility devices by seniors has increased by more than 50 percent in a recent eight-year period.

Different Types of Mobility Aids

If you do convince your parents to get a mobility aid from a retailer like Lincoln Mobility, you will find that there are several different types of medical equipment they can choose from. Each has their positives and negatives. And some may be better suited for indoor use, while others may be better for strolling down the sidewalk.

  • Canes. If your elderly parent just needs a little assistance, a cane might be an excellent choice. Canes are relatively inexpensive and are even available in folding styles. And if your parent becomes a fan, they can also always choose a fancy, hand-carved wooden cane.
  • Walkers. A walker is a lightweight frame with handles and four legs. It may even have two wheels in the front. This piece of medical equipment gives an elderly person something to lean on while they walk. They are better suited for indoor use as they take some effort to lift and set in place with each step.
  • Rollator. These devices are typically heavier than walkers and either have three or four wheels, which makes them better suited for outdoor use.

Hopefully, you can convince your parents to get one of these aids, which can help them live a healthier, more enjoyable life.
